Noëlle-Anne Darbellay Portrait
Ensemble Orion: Berg Darbellay Mahler – Lieder
Film to THE MISTAKE I AM by Jetpack Bellerive
Recording Session for Challenge Records, Radiostudio Zürich
[Translate to Français:] Timothy McCormack: I REMEMBER YOU
Jetpack Bellerive: Max Murray, Gaddis' Grin – Nero's Violin for two performers
Noëlle-Anne Darbellay and Edicson Ruiz: Rencontres by Jean-Luc Darbellay
Jetpack Bellerive: Sunday Lovers by Jannik Giger (excerpt)
Noëlle-Anne Darbellay and Samuel Stoll: BESTIARIUM by Aleksander Gabrys
Film to BORED TO DEATH by Jetpack Bellerive